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sâmbătă, 12 mai 2018

The reaction of the Authority Palestine opposite to Romania: ' A clear violation of the international law '

The Palestinian Authority has condemned the position adopted by Romania, the Czech Republic and Hungary, who have blocked, the plans for the adoption of a joint declaration by the European Union
by which the transfer of the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem It's condemned,
informed the agency Wafa.

'The position of the three states entry in total contradiction with EU policy and represents a clear violation of international law, of the resolutions of the United Nations, of the Geneva Conventions and of the principles of human rights', according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  of the Palestinian Authorities

According to the statement, the Palestinian Authority thanks the countries that supported the declaration of condemning the transfer of the US Embassy.  In Jerusalem and considers Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic responsible for blocking the adoption of this declaration and all the consequences that will follow.
Romania, the Czech Republic and Hungary blocked plans for the adoption of a joint EU declaration, by which ,the relocation of the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem It's condemned, according to the Israeli Channel Ten channel, citing diplomatic sources. European diplomats and Israeli officials have affirmed that the joint statement,drawn up at the initiative of France, would have followed to present a united front against Washington's action.

According to television, the joint statement would have stressed that Jerusalem should be the capital of two states: Israel and Palestine, the status of the city should be resolved only after peace negotiations and the EU countries, will  not   follow the US example on the transfer of the embassy in Jerusalem.

source image: internet
ciobanu fabian

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