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marți, 1 mai 2018

Scandal Cambridge Analytica: data collected on Twitter

The social network has sold easy access at the tweets to  GSR company. This is she what provided
 the data from 87 million Facebook users to Cambridge Analytica.

 The company Cambridge  Analytica specializes in political influence and close to Donald Trump, is the heart of a controversy, for  having   made the siphoning the data of 87 million users Facebook. Saturday, April 28th, Twitter has confirmed British newspaper The Telegraph that  GSR, the company through which, pased Cambridge Analytica , to recover  the data  Facebook, aspired and data of Twitter users.

GSR , in fact,   buy  in 2015 at twitter,an access, allowing him  to easily collect tweets published between December 2014 and April 2015. A service that the social network sells to many companies.

This new discovery,  is not the same brought as the one that concerns Facebook. The collected tweets were public, and user data is generally less sensitive and completed on Twitter than on Facebook.  'We have carried out an internal investigation and we have not found
 no access to private data concerning Twitter users, 'the company has declared to Bloomberg.

source image: internet
ciobanu fabian

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