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vineri, 4 mai 2018

How Facebook uses thee photos. Instagram to ameliorate his artificial intelligence

Facebook, who bought Instagram in 2012, explained  , of having collected
 a total of billions of public images.

For Facebook, your selfies,  photos of  cats or of  foods published on Instagram are a gold mine. The social network explained on Wednesday, May 2, during its big F8 annual conference that he them were using this, for training, artificial intelligence programs.

Facebook, who bought Instagram in 2012, explained  , of having collected
 a total of billions of public images. What is particularly valuable to the company, are the keywords that users associate with their clusters, indispensable for developing programs of  recognizing image.

In fact, if a machine disposse of 100,000 images associated with the hashtag #sunsets, it learns by degrees and at measure, of it  identify the sunsets in the new images. Some research teams are forced to go through manual image labeling, a long and relatively expensive job. With Instagram, So Facebook already has thanks to internautes,  a database of images and keywords.

 AIs to better , moderate ?

According to Mike Schroepfer, Facebook's technical director, the image recognition system unveiled with Instagram produces results 1 to 2% better  than that they if it had been trained with another system, such as ImageNet - a database comprised of more millions of images. manually labeled, and designed for image recognition research. 

Such artificial intelligence programs can notably serve  Facebook, to moderate content published on the social network, Mike Schroepfer explained: 'Until now, we often had to count on the portrayals (performed by users).We Had to wait for one  content to be spotted by someone  for act . '

Artificial intelligence technologies they can afford to act in proactive, automatically tracking unauthorized  by the rules of use of Facebook,, such as nudity or violent images. Currently, the company classifies the those  contents which are posted on the social network thanks to a team of about 20,000 moderators what the users  signals  them, but also, after some months, automated programs.

source image: internet
ciobanu fabian


După ce ai început să îți recunoști deschis dorințele, mai există încă o etapă utilă, și anume transformarea dorințelor în intenții.  Intenția este un soi de combinație între ”vreau și mai aștept” să...  Un punct corect de plecare ar fi să intenționezi să faci tot felul de lucruri mărunte pe parcursul zilei. Nu numai că vei putea exersa, obținând astfel rezultate rapide, dar îți vei deschide noi căi de energie, atât de necesare, care nu au mai fost folosite până atunci. Și fiecare cale nouă înseamnă să primești mai mult de la acea energie ridicată a sursei în comparație cu ce ai primit până acum, așa că e mult mai simplu să te simți mai bine... ceea ce îți va aduce și mai multă energie.
Intențiile zilnice dezvoltă toate aceste noi deprinderi, pentru ca energia să zboare liberă. Cu cât avem mai multe intenții, cu atât folosim mai multă energie de frecvență mai ridicată, ce se poate transforma într-un drum cu două sensuri: cu cât o folosim mai mult, cu atât obținem mai mult. Acest lucru creează un soi de înveliș protector în jurul nostru.
Este foarte util să intenționăm să facem lucruri mărunte cât este ziua de lungă. Referitor la problemele mai mari, dacă intenționezi ca într-o anumită zi să ai o stare de bucurie, și în ceea ce privește dorințele majore, dacă vei transforma fiecare dorință într-o declarație de intenție și vei putea simți puterea în spatele ei,  vei fi uimit cât de multe vei realiza.
Trebuie să simți puterea din spatele acestor lucruri sau intenții atunci când vorbești despre ele. Simte autoritatea, forța de comandă, mușchii din spatele energiei pe care o emani.
Dar fii, totuși, precaut. Intenția este o dinamică în sine, de care nu trebuie să abuzezi și care nu trebuie transformată într-un obicei necugetat.

Îndrăznește să vrei indiferent că o numești intenție sau dorință, mobilizează-te și treci la treabă. Îndrăznește să vrei, îndrăznește să visezi la ceva nou. Îndrăznește să scoți la iveală din nou vechile tale visuri și să le pui în practică. Acordă-ți permisiunea de a vrea; de fapt, convinge-te să vrei. Alege apoi o dorință mai mică și începe să vorbești despre motivul pentru care vrei să ti se îndeplinească acel lucru, până când îți dai seama care sunt sentimentele tale reale. Înainte chiar să-ți dai seama, vei avea la îndemână manifestările fizice. Verifică ceea ce îți place sau ceea ce nu îți place referitor la lucrurile pe care le-ai obținut până acum în viață. Apoi treci peste sentimentul de vinovăție legat de faptul că îți dorești ceva și turează motorul dorințelor, fiindcă acestea aduc pasiunea, care atrage după sine bucurie, bucuria te face să ai și mai multe dorințe, iar tu poți crea în mod deliberat. Ești un inventator și un beneficiar, în același timp. Caută lucrurile materiale, fiindcă e ceva firesc, dar îndreaptă-ți atenția și către lucruri universale sau intangibile precum: vreau ca bucuria să îmi radieze sufletul, vreau ca toată familia să resimtă bucuria, vreau să știu că am diverse opțiuni, intenționez să învăț să îmi gestionez energia, intenționez să fiu conștient de sentimentele mele,intenționez să mă bucur de viață la maximum etc.
Ideea este să treci peste stigmatul faptului că îți dorești diverse lucruri și să le faci pur și simplu. Îndrăznește să vrei orice ți-ar face plăcere în lumea asta, fiindcă dorințele înseamnă să preiei controlul. Dorințele înseamnă să creezi.  Dorințele - și transformarea lor în realitate - înseamnă motivul tău de a exista. Și în asta constă adevărata bogăție a vieții.

sursa foto: internet
stefan robu

marți, 1 mai 2018

Scandal Cambridge Analytica: data collected on Twitter

The social network has sold easy access at the tweets to  GSR company. This is she what provided
 the data from 87 million Facebook users to Cambridge Analytica.

 The company Cambridge  Analytica specializes in political influence and close to Donald Trump, is the heart of a controversy, for  having   made the siphoning the data of 87 million users Facebook. Saturday, April 28th, Twitter has confirmed British newspaper The Telegraph that  GSR, the company through which, pased Cambridge Analytica , to recover  the data  Facebook, aspired and data of Twitter users.

GSR , in fact,   buy  in 2015 at twitter,an access, allowing him  to easily collect tweets published between December 2014 and April 2015. A service that the social network sells to many companies.

This new discovery,  is not the same brought as the one that concerns Facebook. The collected tweets were public, and user data is generally less sensitive and completed on Twitter than on Facebook.  'We have carried out an internal investigation and we have not found
 no access to private data concerning Twitter users, 'the company has declared to Bloomberg.

source image: internet
ciobanu fabian

luni, 30 aprilie 2018

The Pope puts a guard against the evil curiosity

Know to discern, good and bad curiosities,  and  toward open the heart to the Holy Spirit that offers certainty. These are the invocations formulated by the Pope on this Monday during his daily Liturgy in the chapel of  Casa Santa Marta.

'Our life is full of curiosity', but how can we distinguish good curiosity of  the a bad ? To from illustrate 'good curiosity', the Pope evokes these little children who spend their time asking 'Why.' If they do that, it's  because as they  will grow , they  will catch  knowledge of things that they do not understand and will seek explanations. This is a good curiosity because then it will allow them to evolve and have more autonomy. It is also a matter of 'contemplative' curiosity because 'children see, contemplate, do not understand and ask their questions.'

Being  vigilant at his own behavior

' Patrimony of womens as of  mens ',the gossip ,  in  revenge is a bad curiosity. while we want ' to put his nose in the lives of others 'when we are looking to go nowhere , at the end, the personalities will be soiled, when we are looking for  to do understand   things we do not have the right to know. 'This kind of bad curiosity accompanies us throughout life: this is a temptation we always have,' says François.

source image: internet
ciobanu fabian

duminică, 29 aprilie 2018

The highlight of the American dream

« Happy Valley », Pennsylvania.  Its campus, its giant soccer stadium, his apple pies  ... But also  its businesses of rape , its  inhabitants in shape of caricature and his invisible minorities. Photographer Eva O'Leary has tracked the visual anomalies of this average city apparently neat..

The is of  the places  whose nicknam resonate as a manifest. This is the case of 'Happy Valley', «the lucky valley», alias State College, a small corner of Pennsylvania known for its huge campus and its 100,000-foot football stadium. A small end of American dream.An city average cleaned , as America count more.  28-year-old photographer, Eva O'Leary, grew up there.But she wanted to exceed the images of Epinal and apple pies  and pom-pom girls, thus,  like statistics  whose  is gargling  State College on her site  internet:  the one of the more small rates of stress in a US metropolis, the seventh  more safest city in the United States ... ...

Nul need to scratch too much to perceive  the upside of a less happy decorum, whose nail  has crushed in the scandal thread. In 2012, the local football club assistant coach was convicted for the rape of several minors. Amounts of aggression were so declared on the campus. Nothing   is not thus so idyllic as we believe . For Eva O'Leary, the ideals promoted are not just holes, they are dangerous. 'The normality that promotes this type of place is toxic. '

source image: internet
ciobanu fabian

sâmbătă, 28 aprilie 2018

The web inventor exhorts to regularize the artificial intelligence

During a roundtable about the future of the internet, Tim Berners-Lee has opposite a human vision of technology face to Facebook, Amazon and eBay.

Dad upset of the World Wide Web, who deplored more and more regularly the derives, the British Tim Berners-Lee took advantage of a roundtable in Lyon, Thursday April 26th at the annual global conference of the Internet, to launch a cry from heart to the intentions of its great multinationals on issues of personal data and of the Artificial Intelligence (IA), two intimately linked issues.

'Personal data is not the new petroil. If I give you my data, these it's not like the petroil, it's not like water, I still have it. These are mine. '

His speech echoes a very widespread idea , corespondent the 'date' will be the black gold of the 21st century.

 The Web giants, more conciliatory.

This very applauded statement contrasts with those of other participants in this roundtable - The born of Amazon, Facebook, of eBay and Google - defending industrial interests. Re-taking a  henceforth known formula, Ruhi Sarikaya, director of Applied Sciences of the Amazon, has highlighted the strategic importance of searches around AI and automatic learning, whose data is fuel.

'I think that in the next five years we will be considering the date as an exchange currency,,' said Kira Radinsky, eBay's scientific director. Herself do not belong to companies, but to me, and  will furnish us in Exchange for a service, mastering this change. '

A proposal far from disinterested. 'Must render the power to the users, allow them understand what is happening, and give them honest compensation. If users are winners, we are also , 'defends the head of the online commerce site.

Certains, see even,    in the sharing of personal data , a moral obligation. . 'Not sharing health data is  cause of inadvertent the death of someone. The same  the data tied to the   terrorism, 'Mrs. Radinsky in an argument that, did not 
make hard,  unanimity in the room.  'Data is my right, I want to   can  give them ,  it to a company, ,' says Tim Berners-Lee.

'If you send them in the cloud to a third party, like an insurance company, I'm just a point for them.' But,  me I am me,and I will keep ye the control ' '

The GAFA defend self-regulation

The debate was held because on May 25 the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) will enter into force, a new law forbidding in particular companies to exploit information about their users without their consent and to which  the giants of the Web dont have other choice than to conform

Some try too much from now on to show white paw 'We need people to trust Facebook, we want more transparency,' promises thus Antoine Bordes, who heads in IA from  Facebook in Paris research office in Paris, the FAIR. While recalling the recent Initiatives of the platform to allow its users to access their file history and eliminate them.

But this law does not cover everything. 'Regularization of AI remains to be done,' points out Tim Berners-Lee. Or, web giants are rather reticent to the irruption of the politics in their technological projects and the most strategic ones, preferring to play the card of a become industry more mature and responsible . ' It needful etic formation to use of data and this kind of program has emerged in recent years, it is completely new', Mr Bordes points out.

The risks of the  IA sideslip 

Vinton Cerf, from Google, an engineer and one of the founding fathers of the Internet, also calls for an controlled innovation from interior:

'The real answer ,it is that we needful must have developers with a true sense of ethics. It's not easy, the whole world will not agree. But I call on governments, not to jump Right away in the control of AI, because we do not even know the potential of these instruments.And at the same time, it will be necessary to be  vigilant .

source image: internet
ciobanu fabian

vineri, 27 aprilie 2018

The ABBA group gathered for two new songs

The mythical group of the 1970s, winner of Eurovision in 1974, decided to meet with the occasion of the 35th anniversary of their last album.

ABBA, the legendary Swedish pop group, reunited for two new songs, 35 years after their last album. Agnetha Fältskog, Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus, split up in the early eighties. Since, with very rare exceptions, the four Swedes have never appeared in public together.

In this same communication, the group members announce the title of one of the songs: I still have faith in you. They also specify that the songs will be interpreted by their numerical avatars in the course of  a show broadcast in December produced by the British BBC and the NBC US network.

'The decision to continue the exciting project of a tour by the avatars took an unexpected turn,' noted the artists in the release.

For them, being in the studio was an 'extremely joyful experience'.

source image : internet
ciobanu fabian


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